यहाँ आपको एक स्वादिष्ट रागड़ा पटीस रेसिपी मिलेगी जो आप घर पर आसानी से बना सकते हैं।

रागड़ा पटीस रेसिपी
आलू – ४ मीडियम (उबले हुए और पीसे हुए)
वेजिटेबल ऑयल – २ टेबल स्पून
हरी मिर्च – २ (बारीक कटी हुई)
अदरक – १ छोटा टुकड़ा (कटा हुआ)
धनिया पाउडर – १ चमच
लाल मिर्च पाउडर – १/२ चमच
हल्दी पाउडर – १/२ चमच
नमक – स्वादानुसार
रागड़ा मसाला – १ चमच
टमाटर – २ (बारीक कटे हुए)
कच्चा नारियल – १/२ कप (कद्दूकस किया हुआ)
हरा धनिया – २ टेबल स्पून (बारीक कटा हुआ)
तैयारी की विधि:
सबसे पहले, एक कढ़ाई में तेल गरम करें। उसमें हरी मिर्च और अदरक डालकर सेकें।
अब उसमें उबले हुए आलू डालें और अच्छे से मिलाएं।
अब उसमें धनिया पाउडर, लाल मिर्च पाउडर, हल्दी पाउडर, और नमक डालें। अच्छे से मिलाएं।
अब उसमें टमाटर और रागड़ा मसाला डालें। अच्छे से मिलाएं और ढककर धीमी आंच पर ५-७ मिनट तक पकाएं।
अब उसमें कच्चा नारियल डालें और मिलाएं।
अंत में, हरा धनिया डालें और गरमा गरम सर्व करें।
साथ में गरम गरम पटीस के साथ रागड़ा सर्व करें।
आपका स्वादिष्ट रागड़ा पटीस तैयार है। इसे गरमा गरम परोसें और मजें करें!
Ragda Pattice Recipe
Potatoes – 4 medium (boiled and mashed)
Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons
Green chilies – 2 (finely chopped)
Ginger – 1 small piece (chopped)
Coriander powder – 1 teaspoon
Red chili powder – 1/2 teaspoon
Turmeric powder – 1/2 teaspoon
Salt – to taste
Ragda masala – 1 teaspoon
Tomatoes – 2 (finely chopped)
Fresh coconut – 1/2 cup (grated)
Fresh coriander leaves – 2 tablespoons (finely chopped)
- Heat vegetable oil in a pan. Add chopped green chilies and ginger, sauté for a minute.
- Add boiled and mashed potatoes, mix well.
- Add coriander powder, red chili powder, turmeric powder, and salt. Mix well.
- Add chopped tomatoes and ragda masala. Cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat with lid covered.
- Add grated coconut and mix well.
- Finally, add chopped coriander leaves and serve hot.
- Serve Ragda with hot Pattice.
Your delicious Ragda Pattice is ready to be enjoyed! Serve hot and relish the flavors!
What is Ragda Pattice?
Ragda Pattice is a popular street food dish from India, consisting of spicy white pea curry (ragda) served with crispy potato patties (pattice).
How is Ragda Pattice served?
Ragda Pattice is typically served by placing hot potato patties on a plate or in a bowl and then pouring hot ragda curry over them. It’s often garnished with chutneys, chopped onions, coriander leaves, and sev.
Can I customize the spiciness of Ragda Pattice?
Yes, you can adjust the spiciness according to your preference by controlling the amount of chili powder or green chilies used in both the ragda and the potato patties.
Are there any variations of Ragda Pattice?
Yes, there are many variations of Ragda Pattice. Some recipes use different types of fillings or toppings for the potato patties, and the ragda curry can also be customized with various spices and ingredients.
Is Ragda Pattice gluten-free?
The basic ingredients of Ragda Pattice, including potatoes and white peas, are gluten-free. However, if you choose to add any toppings or garnishes, such as sev, be sure to check their gluten content.
Where can I find Ragda Pattice?
Ragda Pattice is commonly found at street food stalls in India, particularly in Maharashtra. It’s also served in some Indian restaurants and can be made at home using simple ingredients.
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